Our Staff

Rev. John Bussman
Senior Pastor
In his primary vocation, Rev. Bussman is husband to Emily and father to sons Gabriel and Luke. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Concordia University, Nebraska (Winter 2007), where he also played collegiate tennis. He graduated from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 2012 with a Master of Divinity. Not only was he very studious, but he is also known to be the greatest intramural champion of all time. Rev. Bussman is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Concordia Seminary with a concentration in the history and theology of worship and how that helps form us as Christians. Additionally, Rev. Bussman has written for Gottesdienst, the Journal of Lutheran Liturgy, since 2018, and he has served as a professor of religion at Wallace State Community College since 2015, where he teaches surveys of both Old and New Testament as well as Biblical Interpretation. In his spare time, Rev. Bussman enjoys woodworking, yard work, riding motorcycles, and spending time with his family.

Rev. Christopher Clark
Associate Pastor and Cantor
A native of Lake Charles, LA, Pastor Clark graduated from McNeese State University in 2005, earning a Bachelor of Music with an emphasis in Performance on saxophone and conducting. After serving as a music educator in Texas and Louisiana, as well as the director of music at St. John Lutheran Church in Lake Charles, he then enrolled at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, receiving his Master of Divinity in 2017 and following his ordination that same June, he was installed as the Associate Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Cullman, AL, on July 2, 2017. At St. Paul’s, Pastor Clark’s duties include guiding the music program for the church and school, conducting the various choral and instrumental ensembles, teaching the Sunday junior catechism classes, and assisting Pastor Bussman in all aspects of the pastoral ministry. His other interests are golf, architecture, history, jazz music, and composing and arranging sacred music. He also enjoys spending time at home with his wife, Linda, and their children.

Sue Westerfield
Church Secretary
Sue Westerfield is the dedicated church secretary at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, providing essential administrative support and fostering smooth operations within the church community. With her exceptional organizational skills and warm demeanor, Sue ensures effective communication, assists in coordinating events, and supports the needs of both the congregation and church staff. Her commitment to serving others and her passion for creating a welcoming environment makes her an invaluable asset to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.

Janet Taylor
Janet Taylor serves as the meticulous church accountant at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, bringing her expertise in financial management and a strong commitment to fiscal responsibility. With her keen eye for detail and in-depth knowledge of accounting practices, Janet ensures accurate record-keeping, financial transparency, and stewardship of church resources. Her dedication to maintaining financial integrity and providing sound financial guidance is instrumental in supporting the church’s mission and ensuring financial stability.
Missionaries We Support

Rev. Dr. Quintin and Lindsay Cundiff
Serving the Lord in Latvia
The Rev. Dr. Quintin and Lindsay Cundiff serve the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Riga, Latvia. In this role, Quintin teaches at the Luther Academy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, an LCMS partner church. He assists in the education and pastoral formation of ministry candidates who come from around Eurasia to attend the academy. He also is involved in starting an English-language service in Riga for expats and English speakers.
Pray for the Cundiffs as they serve in Riga. Ask God to watch over them and give them good health to serve Him to the best of their ability. Pray that God would use them to prepare Lutheran pastors to preach Christ and Him crucified wherever they are. Let us give thanks that the Cundiffs are serving God’s children in this part of the world.

Phillip Magness
Serving the Lord in Africa
Phillip Magness serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in French-speaking countries in West and Central Africa (Togo, Guinea, Congo—Brazzaville, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Congo—Kinshasa and Burundi). As a sacred music educator, Phillip teaches hymns, psalms and spiritual songs — and develops the musicianship of song leaders so that they are better able to teach, share and nurture music for worship. He is also working collaboratively with our mission partners on revising and adapting the French Lutheran Service Book (LSB) as well as setting the French catechism to music.
Pray for Phillip as he serves in Africa, and ask God to keep him safe in his travels. Pray that many will put their trust in the Lord as Phillip teaches them to sing psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs. Pray for the students who come to learn these songs and how to teach them. Ask God to give them wisdom, patience and creativity as they adapt what they learn to their cultural context. Pray that the relationships between Phillip and local pastors and musicians may continue to grow, and that their projects will achieve the Lord’s purposes. Let us give thanks to God that Phillip is serving His people in West and Central Africa.